4th Grade Poetry

Mrs. CdM's 4th grade class wrote some poetry for their American Revolution Unit (combining some creative writing with some informative writing) inspired by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Paul Revere's Ride".

No Taxation!

Teacher Model

December, 1773

Witness the destruction

of gallons of tea

340 chestes, to be exact

Not a single tea leaf

was left intact.

A cry of protest

About unfair tax

Made it so the colonists

Could not relax.

But King George the Third

Did get word

And within him

Anger stirred

The colonists cost the king money

But Parliament didn't find it funny

It was time to punish the Boston traitors

With a series of laws that turned them into haters.

But the colonists could not stand by

And let those new laws fly.

They would fight for their freedom.

Let the British come!

The Boston Tea Party

By Azriel M.

The world's largest tea party

Was a dream

In December, 1773

Boston kept their tea hostage

Oh yes, it was a dream

A whole ship full of tea

Was a dream

340 chests of tea, so great

Oh, well.

There's no way the captain is going to let them unload all of that tea

At least the Sons of Liberty ain't going to let that stop them.

So they dumped it out

340 chests of tea

That's crazy

Maybe stop them...

Too late for that!

Too long, too far

Crazy things happen when you cannot stop the trouble

from the tragedy

300 years ago! That's crazy!

No more tea, all in the sea.

Chest of Tea

By Esperanza R.

The Sons of Liberty

Have some company

Three ships with tea stocked

At Boston Harbor docked

Dressed up as Native Americans

For more protection

And sent 340 chests of tea

Into the Atlantic Sea.

The Boston Tea Party

By Austin E.

Smell and you will smell

The smell, sweet smell, of tea

On December 1773

Three men barely alive

They dressed as Native Americans

And dumped 340 chests of tea

But they heard 40 birds

and from one of them fell a feather

and they gathered

as one of them devoured

and kept dumping the tea

as they need

as they fill the sea

as they dump with glee

as they fed the sea

then they schemed

because they saw the British

looking for their tea.